Important CNS Signs
This refers to pupillary asymmetry, which may result from sympathetic or
parasympathetic dysfunction. Sympathetic dysfunction results in Horner
syndrome, in which the pupil is small but reacts to light. Hippus, a series
of oscillating pupillary contractions seen in response to light, is a benign
condition. Argyll-Robertson pupil, seen in neurosyphilis, is irregular and
small; it does not react to light, but does accommodate. In parasympathetic paralysis, the affected pupil is larger and reacts poorly or not at all to light. Injury to the ciliary ganglion or short ciliary nerves results in a tonic pupil, which is large and has slow or absent reaction to light. A benign form of tonic pupil is seen in Adie syndrome, Holmes-Adie syndrome (ie, tonic pupil with absent patellar and Achilles reflexes), and Ross syndrome (ie, tonic pupil with hyporeflexia and progressive segmental hypohidrosis).
This refers to denial of illness and typically is seen in patients with
right frontoparietal lesions, resulting in left hemiplegia that the patient
denies. A form of visual anosognosia (Anton syndrome) is seen in patients with
bilateral occipital lobe infarctions; these patients with double hemianopsia
(bilateral cortical blindness) deny that they are blind.
This is seen in patients with metabolic encephalopathies. Momentary loss of
tone and flapping of the hand are seen when the patient extends his arms in
front with the wrists dorsiflexed.
Heel-to-toe tandem gait is tested by asking the patient to walk with 1 foot
directly in front of the other. Ataxia can be demonstrated in this manner.
Beevor sign
This is seen with bilateral lower abdominal paralysis that results in upward
deviation of the umbilicus when the patient tries to raise his head and sit up
from the supine, recumbent position.
Benediction hand
This is seen with lesions of the median nerve in the axilla and upper arm.
When present, the index finger remains straight and the middle finger partially
flexes when the patient tries to make a fist (assuming the position of the hand
of a clergyman while saying the benediction).
Bielschowsky sign
This refers to increasing separation of the images seen when a patient's
head is tilted toward the side of a superior oblique (trochlear nerve)
paralysis. This sign by itself is not diagnostic and should be used only as a
supplement to other tests in suspected CN IV paralysis.
Chvostek sign
This is seen in hypocalcemia. Tapping the cheek at the angle of the jaw
precipitates tetanic facial contractions.
Cogan sign
This is seen in myasthenia gravis. It refers to transient baring of the
sclerae above the cornea as the patient resumes the primary eye position after
looking down.
10. Dalrymple sign
This refers to the upper-lid retraction seen in thyroid ophthalmopathy.
11. Doll's-eye maneuver
This refers to turning the head passively with the patient awake and fixated
or when the patient is in a coma. In the former, the eyes remain fixated at the
original focus when all gaze pathways are normal; in the latter, the eyes
deviate in the opposite direction when the brainstem is intact.
12. Gower sign
This sign, seen in severe myopathies, occurs when the patient attempts to
stand up from the floor. Patients first sit up, then assume a quadrupedic
position, and then climb up their own legs by using their arms to push
themselves up.
13. Heterochromia iridis
This term refers to the difference in color of the 2 irides. It indicates
early injury to the sympathetic system. Ipsilateral to the injury the iris is
blue or green, while the contralateral iris is darker.
14. Jaw jerk
This is elicited by placing the examiner's index finger on the patient's
lower jaw and then striking it with the reflex hammer. An exaggerated reflex
indicates the presence of a pontine lesion. When the rest of the examination
findings are normal, it may indicate physiologic hyperreflexia.
15. Kayser-Fleischer ring
This is a brownish ring around the limbus of the cornea. It is best
demonstrated during an ophthalmologic slitlamp examination.
16. Lhermitte sign
This refers to the sensation of electricity associated with cervical spinal
cord lesions during passive or active flexion and extension of the neck. Once
considered pathognomonic of multiple sclerosis, it simply is the result of
electricity generation by the hypersensitive, demyelinated, or injured spinal
cord; this sign can be associated with any lesion in or around the cord.
17. Marcus-Gunn pupil
This sign requires a swinging-flashlight test to assess. As the flashlight
swings from 1 eye to the other, the abnormal pupil dilates as the light swings
back from the normal side. No anisocoria is seen. The phenomenon is also called
a paradoxical pupillary reflex and indicates an afferent (optic nerve)
pupillary defect.
18. Milkmaid's grip
This refers to the inability to maintain a sustained grip commonly seen in
patients with chorea.
19. Moebius sign
This refers to weakness of ocular convergence (associated with proptosis)
seen in dysthyroid ophthalmopathy.
20. Myerson sign
Patients with Parkinson disease, particularly those with bilateral frontal
lobe dysfunction, continue to blink with repeated glabellar taps.
21. Nylen-Bárány sign
This is elicited by having the patient quickly lie down from the sitting
position with the head turned to 1 side and hanging down 30o below
the horizontal over the edge of the examining table. The procedure is then
repeated with the head turned to the other side. The test is positive when the patient experiences vertiginous discomfort and exhibits nystagmus after a latency period of about 10 seconds. The nystagmus increases for about 10 seconds then fatigues in peripheral vestibular disease. In central lesions, nystagmus may occur with the head turned to either side, without discomfort to the patient, and without latency of onset or fatigue.
22. Ondine curse
This refers to the failure of autonomic control of breathing when the
patient falls asleep.
23. Oommen sign
Have the patient close the eyes and place a pebble the size of an M&M
candy on the palm of the examiner's left hand. Cross the patient's middle
finger over the index finger on its dorsal aspect. With the examiner's right
hand, hold the patient's crossed fingers and have the patient's 2 (crossed)
fingertips touch the pebble at the same time. Ask the patient how many pebbles
are in the examiner's hand. With normal stereognosis, the patient should answer
that there are 2 pebbles. In cases of astereognosis, the patient reports
feeling only 1 pebble.
24. Opsoclonus
This refers to large-amplitude saccadic oscillations of the eyes in all
directions, often exacerbated by refixation. They persist during sleep and are
associated with brainstem and cerebellar lesions as well as a remote effect of
certain carcinomas.
25. Optokinetic nystagmus
This is elicited by using a rotating, striped drum or a moving, striped
piece of cloth. As the patient's eyes fixate on a stripe, nystagmus seen in
healthy individuals is due to the optokinetic reflex. Lesions in the anterior
aspects of the visual pathways decrease the response, and lesions of the
vestibular system result in a directional preponderance to the elicited
26. Phalen sign
This refers to the aggravation of paresthesia and pain when the wrist is
held in flexion (in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome).
27. Roger sign
This is numbness of the chin in patients with lymphoreticular (and other
types of) malignancies.
28. Stellwag sign
This refers to decreased blinking frequency seen in thyroid ophthalmopathy.
29. Summerskill sign
This refers to the bilateral upper- and lower-lid retraction associated with
severe liver disease.
30. Tinel sign
This refers to the tingling sensation elicited by tapping along the path of
a regenerating nerve following injury. It helps to delineate the extent of
nerve regeneration. The Tinel sign also can be observed in tardy ulnar palsy
(palpation at the elbow) and carpal tunnel syndrome (tapping at the wrist).
31. Trendelenburg sign
This refers to the pelvic tilt toward the side of the unaffected raised leg
when walking in patients with lesions of the superior gluteal nerve.
32. Trombone tongue
This is seen in patients with
chorea. It refers to the unsteadiness of the tongue when the patient tries to
protrude it outside the mouth.
33. Tullio phenomenon
This refers to the induction of
vertigo and nystagmus with acoustic stimuli in patients with labyrinthine
34. von Graefe sign
This refers to the lid
lag on down gaze in patients with thyroid ophthalmopathy.
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