Pediatrics Physical
History - Pediatrics
Introductory information
- Introduce, establish rapport.
- Name, age, gender.
- Person giving the history (parent, etc).
- Origin.
Presenting complaint
- Description of the presenting complaint, in chronological order.
- Including whether came in through casualty or admitted by GP.
History of presenting complaint
- Time course: seasonal or diurnal fluctuation.
- Exacerbating factors: foods.
- Referral by GP vs. came in through casualty.
- Relevant negatives.
- If using slang, ask for clarification.
Past medical, surgical history
Birth history
- Length of gestation.
- Age and parity of mother at delivery.
- Any maternal insults [alcohol, smoking] or illnesses during gestation.
- Where born: city, hospital.
- Birth weight, mode of delivery, difficulties in delivery.
- Resuscitation, intensive care requirement at birth.
- Cyanosis, pallor, jaundice, convulsions, birthmarks, malformations, feeding or respiratory difficulties.
- Apgar score at birth if known.
- How baby was fed in first few days.
- Whether child went home with mother.
Nutritional history
- Breast-fed vs. bottle-fed
- When breast started, stopped.
- If formula: type, amount, pre-mixed vs concentrate [and dilution used].
- Vitamin supplements.
- Age when beikost started.
- Appetite and growth.
- Current diet.
Immunization history
- See Immunization Schedule Reference.
- Get dates of each.
Illnesses and operations
- Past illnesses, operations.
- Childhood illness, obs/gyn.
- Tests and treatment prescribed for these.
- Problems with the anesthetic in surgery.
Developmental history
- Gross motor.
- Fine motor.
- Vision, speech, hearing.
- Social.
- See Developmental Milestones Reference.
Education history
- Start of school attendance.
- Where attend school.
- Special needs requirements.
- Impact of symptoms: absent school days.
Family history
- The current complaint in parents/ siblings: health, cause of death, age of onset, age of death.
- Parents/siblings: age, health, where living.
- Height and weight of parents.
- Hereditary dz suspected: do a family tree.
Social, personal history
- Age, occupation of parents.
- Race and migration of parents [if relevant].
- Any others at daycare/ school with same complaint.
- Travel: where, how lived when there, immunization/ prophylactic status when went.
- Does the child live at home, and with whom [include siblings].
- Smokers in the home.
- Pets in the home.
- "Is there some things that worry you about the symptoms you child is having?"
Drug history
- Prescriptions currently on: dose, when started, what for.
- OTCs.
- Alternative medications.
- Allergies, and reaction of each:
- Eczema, asthma, hay fever, hives.
- Drugs, foods, dyes.
Systems review
- See Systems Review below.
History tips
- Use "the father" or "the mother" instead of "your husband" or "your wife", as current spouse may not be the genetic parent, also avoids issue of a divorce/separation.
- Parents may use slang. Ask "do you mean..." for clarification as needed.
- Ask if the temperature was actually measured, and if so, what it was.
Examination - Pediatrics
- Nebulizers, drugs on dresser.
- Special food, including sugar-free (DM).
- Mobility-assisting devices.
- Hospital equipment.
General appearance
- Pre-exam checklist: WIPE:
- Wash your hands [thus warming them].
- Introduce yourself to pt, explain what going to do.
- Position pt [+/- on parent's knee].
- Expose area as needed [parent should undress].
- Examine from the R side of the pt.
- Posture, body positions, body shape.
- Skin colors. See Skin Colors Reference.
- Hydration.
- Dress, hygiene.
- Alertness, happiness.
- Crying: high-pitched vs. normal.
- Any unusual behavior.
- Parent-child interaction, reaction to someone new walking entering the room (child abuse).
- Ask if tenderness anywhere, before start touching them.
- If asleep, do the heart, lungs and abdomen first.
Arms, vital signs
- Nails: See Nails Reference.
- Hands:
- Clinical hand signs.
- Color, warmth.
- Radial pulse.
- Femoral pulse.
- BP.
- Temperature.
- See Taking Pediatric Vital Signs Reference.
- Axillary lymph nodes.
- Inspection:
- Precordial bulge.
- Apical heave.
- Palpation:
- Apex beat location.
- Thrills, heaves.
- Auscultation:
- Site, radiation.
- Pitch, quality, character.
- Intensity, rhythm, duration.
- Changes with respiration, posture.
- Carotid bruits.
- See Pediatric Heart Reference.
- Inspection:
- Spinal curvature.
- Tanner stage (female). See Tanner Stages Reference.
- Accessory muscles of respiration [respiratory pattern is abdominal <6yrs].
- Intercostal respiration (respiratory obstruction).
- Palpation
- Fremitus
- Percussion:
- Dull and resonant areas.
- Auscultation:
- Crackles.
- Wheeze.
- Inspection:
- Shape.
- Visible swellings, hernias.
- Umbilicus, veins.
- Visible peristalsis.
- Percussion [often optional]:
- Fluid wave, shifting dullness.
- Liver, spleen.
- Palpation:
- Masses.
- Areas of ternderness, rebound, guarding.
- Liver, spleen: <6 years may palpate up to 2cm below costal margin.
- Kidneys, bladder.
- Auscultation:
- Bowel sounds.
Diaper, genitalia, anus
- Only perform when indicated.
- Diaper:
- Inspect contents.
- Have MSU bottle ready if indicated.
- Male:
- Testes decent, hernias.
- Circumcision, testes, hydrocele.
- Female:
- Vulva, clitoris.
- Both sexes:
- Discharge.
- Abnormalities.
- Tanner stage.
- Anus inspection:
- Hemorrhoids, fissures, prolapse.
- Sphincter tone, tenderness, mass.
- PR exam isn't done on children.
Legs, feet
- Infants: hip abduction in infants with knees flexed.
- Feet abnormalities, such as rocker-bottom feet.
- Similar signs as seen in hands, nails.
- Can often skip these, as should already have good idea by now.
- Abnormalities during play.
- Limbs: movement, tone, limp, Gower's sign.
- Head control.
- Reflexes:
- Moro and tonic neck reflexes <3months.
- Babinski's sign positive <12-15 months.
- Hypertonicity commonly is normal infants, but hypotonicity is abnormal.
- Other reflexes: grasp, suck, root, stepping and placing.
- Meningitis signs if indicated: Kernig, Brudzinski.
- Rashes, using proper terminology.
- See Hallmark Rashes Reference.
- See Skin Lesion Terminology Reference.
Head and neck
- Head circumference, rate of growth.
- Head asymmetry, microcephaly, macrocephaly, other visible abnormalities.
- Fontanelle, if <18 months:
- Full vs. flat vs. depressed.
- Thyroid enlargement, other lumps.
- Neck stiffness.
- Neck lymph nodes: location, size in cm, tenderness, consistency.
- Exam position: mother holds child on lap facing forward, one arm encircling child's arms, the other hand on child's forehead.
- Pupils: reaction to light, accommodation.
- Strabismus [aka squint].
- Strabismus is normal before 4-6 months.
- Photophobia, proptosis, sclerae, conjunctivae, ptosis, congenital cataracts.
- Fundoscopy. See Eye Exam.
- Exam position: same as eye, but child faces the side.
- Discharge, canals, external ear tenderness.
- Test hearing.
- Otoscope to examine ear drums.
- Nares patency, septum, nasal flaring.
- Discharge, mucous membranes, sinus tenderness.
- Breath odor.
- Lips: color, fissures and dryness.
- Tongue.
- Teeth: number, arrangement, dental caries.
- Gums: color, hypertrophy (phenytoin)
- Throat: epiglottis
- Tonsils: size, signs of inflammation.
Height, weight
- Measure and plot on appropriate centile chart.
Examination tips
- Can establish rapport while checking cyanosis, dyspnea, cough.
- Can examine teddy bear first.
- Best examination method by age:
- Neonates, very young infants: on examining table
- Up through preschool: lying sit on mother's lap
- Adolescent: without family present.
- Parent, not examiner, should undress a small child.
- Kids are impatient, so a systematic full examination may get difficult. Examine the most pertinent area first.
- Record respiratory rate first, before crying starts.
- In child, breath sounds are easier to hear, but harder to localize.
- ENT exam more likely to induce a cry so these go last.
- Opportunism:
- If child dozes, auscultation heart.
- While parent removes shirt, examine shoulder/arm movement, head control.
- If child kicks examiner, observe hip range of motion.
- If cries, the deep breaths between each cry can reveal rales with stethoscope.
Review - Pediatrics
- Chest pain, pressure
- Shortness of breath, exertion required
- Lie flat or use pillows, how many pillows
- Awoke breathless at night
- Noticed heart racing, aware of heartbeat
- Ankle swelling
- Cold/ blue hands, feet
- Sore throats, earaches
- Cough: sputum, blood
- Shortness of breath, wheeze
- Snore loudly, apnea
- Fever, night sweats
- Recent chest X-ray
- Weight, appetite changes
- Abdominal pain or discomfort
- Bloating, distention
- Indigestion
- Nausea, vomiting: contents
- Bowel habits: change, number
- Incontinence, constipation/ diarrhea
- Stool: colour, blood/ black, consistency, mucous
- Headaches
- Dizziness, vertigo
- Faints, seizures, blackouts
- Weakness, numbness
- Sleep disturbances
- Limp, ataxia, tremors
- Concentration, memory
- Enursesis
- Changes to urine quantity, colour
- Blood in urine
- Genital rashes, lumps
- Sex life problems
- Pain, bleeding in periods
- Prefer hot or cold weather
- Sweating
- Fatigue
- Hand trembling
- Neck swelling
- Skin, hair, voice changes
- Thirst
- Itchy
- Rashes
- Bruising
- Swelling
- Colour changes
- Bruise easily, difficulty stopping bleeds
- Lumps under arms, neck, loin
- Clots in legs, lungs
- Fevers, shakes, shivers
- Joints: pain, stiffness, swollen
- Variation in joint pain during day
- Fingers painful/ blue in cold
- Dry mouth, red eyes
- Skin rash
- Back, neck pain
patient their regular self?
Anything else you think I should know?
Anything else you think I should know?
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